Rambunctious Theatre Company Boosters
The Rambunctious Theatre Company Boosters is a non-profit 501(3)c organization. Comprised of community members and the parents of Robinson Secondary School Drama students, the Boosters support, assist, and help to facilitate our various events and productions.
The Boosters support the Rambunctious Theatre Company by providing volunteer and financial support in areas such as ticket sales, publicity, hospitality, and chaperoning. They host summer drama camps for younger actors and offer scholarships to Robinson students pursuing theatre arts in college.
Helping feed cast/crew during rehearsals and shows
Coordinating adult volunteers for rehearsals and shows
Helping with publicity and ticket sales
Hosting events/outings for theater students
Purchasing theater equipment
Hosting annual Cappies critics visit
Co-hosting annual drama banquet
Providing scholarships for graduating seniors continuing
in the performing artsCoordinating summer drama camps
Priority ticket purchase before general public sales
Your name listed in show programs
A full tax-deduction of your fee (EIN# 47-1551346)
Booster Appreciation events
Booster MEEtings
Booster meetings for the 2024-2025 school year will be held from 6:30-7:30 in Black Box on the following dates:
10/30, 12/4, 1/22, 2/26, 3/26, 4/23, 5/14*
(*Booster elections)
For questions or more information contact Membership@robinsondrama.org
BOOSTER BOARD 2024 - 2025
President: Rodney Grove
VP / Membership: Robin Cohen
VP / Middle School: Kelly Lucero
Treasurer: Julie Jones
Secretary: Stephanie Simcox
Social Media: Steph Simcox
Website: Katie McKeown, David Desa
Membership: Robin Cohen
Events: Brent Ericson, Nicolette Fontenot
Spiritwear: Nicole Gonzalez, Sandhya Brown
ShowGrams: Jill Grove, Jen Ericson
Concessions: Holly Hubbard, Tim Brosnan
Performance Support:
Craft Services: Nalini Lopes, Patrick McGuire
Box Office: Kelly Lucero, Paola Felix
HS Cast & Crew Party: Leigh Ashurst
MS Cast & Crew Party: Kelly Lucero, Leigh Ashurst
Academic and Department Support:
Scholarships: Steph Simcox
Senior Recognition: Karen Loewy, Becca Drake
Cappies Critic Dinner:
End Of Year Banquet: Karen Loewy, Becca Drake
Board Administration:
Board Elections: